Hope offers a variety of groups and ministries from fellowship to faith-based gatherings where we enjoy one another's company and strengthen our relationship with God and one another. We would love for you to become involved in one of the many activities in our faith community.
There are many opportunities for fellowship at Hope. Our most common one is the time we gather after services each Sunday to eat, drink, sit and talk, and enjoy one another's company. It is one of the many ways in which we strengthen our bonds with Christ and one another. We offer many other times to gather outside of our regular worship services as well!

Members donning their ugly sweaters from a Christmas party.

Church members with their favorite sodas at a Holy Happy Hour.
Faith Formation
The largest part of our social ministry is Faith Formation. There is something for everyone to be found in one of our groups or events. We have many recurring gatherings throughout the year that allow us to explore our faith and have fun!
As a group studying what ice cream can teach us about theology, we strive to make connections between the ordinary and the holy by offering space for conversation. By tasting, smelling, touching, and seeing ice cream, we hope to use these senses so that our hearing of each other’s stories and beliefs about theology may be fruitful. We study because God wants us to learn the faith that brings God’s people together. So why not do it over ice cream?
This small group gathers once each week over the course of 6 weeks at the church. Bring your love for ice cream and Jesus. It's all you need!


We are called to study the Word of God and we strive to be very intentional about that and having good and fruitful conversations. We may not have all the answers but sometimes the best thing is asking good questions and growing together.
All are welcome to our weekly bible study. Please note that this gathering is currently paused and will resume soon.
Mary's Circle is comprised of a small group of women from the church who meet monthly from September to June for bible and text studies, as well as planning and carrying out service oriented projects for the community. One of the largest initiatives is Shoeboxes for Sailors, where items are collected for seafairers who come into the Port of Wilmington during the holiday season. Useful items are placed in the boxes which are wrapped up and given to the men and women who spend their time at sea during the holidays. This group also oversees the collection of offerings for World Hunger.

Our most popular event, where we study scripture and how it relates to some of our favorite beverages! Most recently, we read "A History of the World in Six Glasses" and found correlations in each drink to the words of Psalm 23.
What will our next adventure be? Who knows, but it will be a delight to our minds and palates!
Holy Happy Hour when we visited Chadds Ford Winery.