Baptism is a very different thing from all other water, not by virtue of the natural substance but because here something nobler is added, for God himself stakes his honor, his power, and his might on it. Therefore it is not simply a natural water, but a divine, heavenly, holy, and blessed water-praise it in any other terms you can-all by virtue of the Word, which is a heavenly, holy Word that no one can sufficiently extol, for it contains and conveys all that is God’s. (Luther’s Large Catechism)
Luther highlights 3 main points about Baptism in his Large Catechism: Elements, Baptism saves, and anyone can be baptized.
He goes on to write:
I therefore admonish you again that these two, the Word and the water, must by no means be separated from each other. For where the Word is separated from the water, the water is no different from the water that the maid uses for cooking and could indeed be called a bath-keeper’s baptism. But when the Word is with it according to God’s ordinance, baptism is a sacrament, and it is called Christ’s baptism.
Because the water and the Word together constitute one baptism, both body and soul shall be saved and live forever.
This act or ceremony consists of being dipped into the water, which covers us completely, and being drawn out again. These two parts, being dipped under the water and emerging from it, point to the power and effect of baptism, which is nothing else than the slaying of the old Adam and the resurrection of the new creature, both of which must continue in us our whole life long. Thus a Christian life is nothing else than a daily baptism, begun once and continuing ever after. For we must keep at it without ceasing, always purging whatever pertains to the old Adam, so that whatever belongs to the new creature may come forth.

We offer Confirmation classes to our young people in middle school and entering into high school. The Rite of Confirmation is an intentional two-year program where students are taught by our Christian Educator and Pastor Amy and study Luther’s Small Catechism, the Apostle’s Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, the Holy Scriptures, and talk about daily life and where God is in our everyday lives. These are the promises made in Baptism that as a church we honor and want to make sure our young people have theological education and faith formation.
The point of Confirmation: it is an affirmation of baptism. It is a big moment in our young people’s lives and in the church. It is where each confirmand, after completing this two year program, becomes an adult in the church.

Pastor Amy with the 2021 Confirmation Class.